EFT Resources

You Want a Divorce?!

This video resource, originally created for International Tapping Month in August 2020, is for that truly unexpected life interruption: divorce.

Watch as CTYJ Founder Diane DiFrancesco shares an EFT Tapping term called UDIN (Unexpected, Dramatic, Isolating and No Resources, No Strategy).

This EFT Tapping sequence is quite powerful, and hopefully it will provide some healing to those who seek it.

Release Self-Doubt and Create a Life You Love!

In the past, self-doubt held me back and prevented me from living my best life. I was able to overcome my self-doubt through a combination of EFT and the book, "Manifesting Your Greatest Self" by NYT Bestseller Nick Ortner, and in 2019 I created a tapping group for those interested in going through a similar journey.

This video from that course gives a brief yet helpful overview of tapping that you may find helpful. I’m also available to facilitate this study with you or your group upon request. Schedule a call and let's chat!

EFT Interview with Sandra

In this interview with Sandra Wint of Me-Her-Us, we cover everything from the origins of EFT, to saying “thank you” to our inner critic and recognizing limiting beliefs, and we even showcase an EFT demo with Sandra as my lovely volunteer!

This video is a great way for both new and seasoned tappers alike to gain a better familiarity and understanding of EFT (tapping) and see what EFT looks like in practice.

Check it out and learn how you can show more compassion for your own journey today!